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Become a WHS Member

Experience History Like Never Before

Welcome to the Westport Historical Society family! First chartered in 1950, our organization was established with the purpose of keeping our community’s history alive. We are dedicated to possessing, preserving, and maintaining archives and artifacts from this pivotal historical period. Furthermore, we manage, administer, and maintain the 1855 Harris-Kearney Historical House Museum—the only museum in Westport, the birthplace of Kansas City.

We are delighted to have you join us on this journey of discovery and inspiration. As an all-volunteer, not-for-profit organization, the WHS is devoted to researching, sharing, and bringing to life the stories of Westport’s past and present to inspire future generations. Your membership dues are fully tax-deductible, and we greatly appreciate your support.

Please use our convenient online application below to apply today!

NOTE: WHS NEW membership applications and fee payments submitted between October 1st – December 31st, 2024 will include BOTH the remaining 2024 calendar year, and your new 2025 membership through December 31, 2025.

NEW & Renewing Membership Application

Name of Person Making the Purchase(Required)
Mailing Address

Membership Categories

This section will help identify WHS members who have family ties to any of the Old Westport pioneers, families or individuals who lived in Westport prior to 1870, from any "walks of life." By selecting N/A, we understand you do not have a connection other than your interest in Westport and Kansas City history and membership in WHS.
Membership Categories:
I am a descendant, or spouse of __________ who is a descendent, of John and Henrietta Harris, who had seven children, including their daughter Josephine (Harris) Kearney. My Harris family branch began with one of their children _____________ Harris, child #______, who was married to ________________________.
I am a descendant of any "Old Westport" family, or spouse of __________ who is a descendent. The family immigrated or moved to Westport no later than 1870. My Old Westport family’s name(s): (Please include both husband and wife’s names or explain your connection to your pre-1870 ancestors): __________________________ In what year did they arrive? ________________________ From where did they immigrate? __________________
I am a descendant of any "Old Westport" family, or spouse of __________ who is a descendent. The family immigrated or moved to Westport no later than 1870. My Old Westport family’s name(s): (Please include both husband and wife’s names or explain your connection to your pre-1870 ancestors): __________________________ In what year did they arrive? ________________________ From where did they immigrate? __________________

Membership Levels

The "Quantity" is the number of memberships you wish to purchase.
Quarterly Journal (Members Portal on Website) Monthly newsletter(s) Invitations to events, exhibits, and programs Tour Admission to Harris-Kearney House for one 5% Discount in Gift Shop
Price: $8.00
Quarterly Journal (Members Portal on Website) Monthly newsletter(s) Invitations to events, exhibits, and programs Tour Admission to Harris-Kearney House for one 5% Discount in Gift Shop
Price: $40.00
Benefits listed above plus Tour Admission for four and 10% Discount in Gift Shop
Price: $50.00
Benefits listed above plus recognition for Adopting an Artifact of Your Choice
Price: $300.00
Quarterly Journal and Monthly newsletter(s) Invitations to events, exhibits, and programs Tour Admission for Life for two 25% Discount in Gift Shop
Price: $800.00
Benefits listed above plus a 20% Discount in Gift Shop and Recognition in the Quarterly Journal
Price: $125.00
Benefits listed above plus ONE Tour Admission for six people; a Business Listing using your Logo on WHS Website, Newsletter, and other notices; Opportunity to Host one Event at the Harris-Kearney House.
Price: $150.00
Payment Method(Required)
American Express
Supported Credit Cards: American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa
MM slash DD slash YYYY

THANK YOU for supporting the Westport Historical Society, a tax-deductible 501(c)(3) Not-for-Profit Organization. -- We welcome your questions, concerns and suggestions, please email them to us at: [email protected] If you would like to make an extra DONATION after you Submit your membership form and dues payment, Click the DONATE NOW button in the upper right corner of any webpage. Your contributions are greatly appreciated because they help us accomplish our mission.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

We're incredibly grateful for our generous donors.

The Westport Historical Society relies solely on donations and grants, without any town or government funding. Your contributions are essential. Please consider making a donation to help us continue preserving history and offering engaging programs.

Have questions? Contact the Westport Historical Society. Whether you need details on visiting, events, or educational programs, our team is ready to help you connect with history.

Contact Us

Visit Us

2025 Museum Hours:

All Guided Tours

Closed through March 1, 2025

Open: MAR 1st – DEC 14th 2025

  • Fri & Sat 1-4pm
  • Sun 1-4pm
  • Or by Appointment

2025 Museum Fees:

Admission includes guided tour and featured exhibits

  • $10 Adults
  • $ 7 Seniors 65+ & Veterans
  • $ 7 Students 12-18
  • $ 5 Children 6-11
  • FREE Children 0-5
  • FREE WHS members

Contact Us


  • Museum Office: Temporarily Unavailable
  • Cell: (913)787-1707


On The Map

WHS is a Safe Place for visiting, learning, and sharing, and in order to foster a positive environment, we have zero tolerance for unfriendly, unkind, and aggressive behavior.